# Creating email templates

Email templates are required for each type of email that needs to be sent with EmailJS. For example, you may want to create one email template for the contact form, and another one to notify the user that the contact form was received and will be processed shortly.

Each template contains fields like email subject, email body, destination email address, reply_to address, and so on. It's possible to add dynamic content to the templates, by adding variables and populating them from application code. To read more about dynamic variables please take a look Dynamic variables in templates.

To create an email template:

  1. Open the Email Templates (opens new window) page in EmailJS dashboard
  2. Click the Create New Template button
  3. Fill out the template properties
  4. Test the template either via the Test dialog, or by opening the auto-generated JSFiddle, which allows you to see the code example, and to easily fill out the template parameters and send the email.

# Restrictions

Please note that the size of the template cannot exceed 50kb.

Requests that use huge templates will be ignored. If images need to be embedded into Content, the embedded attachments are suitable for that. Check out our guide on how to create Embedded images. Otherwise, let us know there are additional reasons for large templates.