# New Federal Act on Data Protection

Last modified: March 8th, 2024

The nFADP stands for the New Federal Act on Data Protection, which came into effect on the 1st of September 2023. The nFADP is the new piece of data protection legislation in Switzerland with aims to bring the country’s current legal framework up to date and on par with other legal acts, such as GDPR.

It shares many similarities with GDPR, since the intention of the lawmakers was to bring the Swiss regulatory framework closer to GDPR. The nFADP however, is less strict compared to GDPR in certain areas.

# EmailJS and the nFADP

EmailJS provides its users and customers with information about its data processing practices in Privacy Policy.

# Data Processing Agreements

EmailJS has updated its data processing agreement to comply with the nFADP. It includes the Swiss FADP as defined in the agreement.
Data Processing Agreement.

# Data Transfer

As a company with a global customer base and operations, EmailJS have to be able to transfer and access data around the world. We understand and respect the rules for conducting international transfers of personal data outside of Switzerland, and offer customers a robust international data transfer framework as a part of our commitment under EmailJS's Data Processing Agreement (DPA).

Similar to GDPR, the Swiss data protection law allows for international data transfers subject to legal requirements. According to the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC), the new EU Standard Model Clauses can also be used to safeguard international data transfers from Switzerland to countries without an adequate level of data protection, provided that they include the necessary amendments to account for Swiss law.